Ultrafine Mycorrhizae All In One 16ozGreen Gro Ultrafine Mycorrhizae will increase your plant's growth potential, its fruiting and flowering potential and its nutrient storage and uptake. It will promote massive root systems, great soil structure and a diverse soil ecology for your plant....Only $63.29 |
Granular Plus Mycorrhizae All in one 1 lbGranular Plus will increase your plant's growth potential, its fruiting and flowering potential and its nutrient storage and uptake. It will promote massive root systems, great soil structure and a diverse soil ecology for your plant. Granular plus...Only $28.97 |
Granular Plus Mycorrhizae All in one 2 lbGranular Plus will increase your plant's growth potential, its fruiting and flowering potential and its nutrient storage and uptake. It will promote massive root systems, great soil structure and a diverse soil ecology for your plant. Granular plus...Only $47.45 |
Earth Shine Soil Booster with BiocharEarth Shine All-In-One Natural Soil Booster Earth Shine Soil Additive is a sustainable way to enhance your garden's natural biological processes. Increases soil carbon levels Supports microbial development Trace and essential minerals Fortfied with...Only $16.11 |
Earth Shine Soil Booster with Biochar 2lbsEarth Shine All-In-One Natural Soil Booster Earth Shine Soil Additive is a sustainable way to enhance your garden's natural biological processes. Increases soil carbon levels Supports microbial development Trace and essential minerals Fortfied with...Only $25.46 |
Earth Shine Soil Booster with Biochar 5lbsEarth Shine All-In-One Natural Soil Booster Earth Shine Soil Additive is a sustainable way to enhance your garden's natural biological processes. Increases soil carbon levels Supports microbial development Trace and essential minerals Fortfied with...Only $38.21 |
GreenGro Water Conditioner 8ozThe contents of this water conditioner create a balanced all-in-one product that will greatly improve your ability to grow healthier, more productive plants. Much of the water that we pull from the tap in cities or suburbs is treated for our protection....Only $13.81 |
Rock Nutrients - Absorbalight Foliar Spray 1LRock Absorbalight is an additional supplement which feeds through the foliage rather than through the roots. It provides direct energy for chlorophyll production helping to restore the loss of natural photosynthetic power. Absorbalight will increase...Only $49.74 |
Rock Nutrients - Fusion Bloom Base Nutrient 1LRock Fusion Grow and Rock Fusion Bloom are here to astonish you. This single part nutrient is stronger than most 2 part nutrients and 3 times stronger than any clear single part nutrient on the market today. Other single part nutrients are clear with...Only $30.92 |