The contents of this water conditioner create a balanced all-in-one product that will greatly improve your ability to grow healthier, more productive plants. Much of the water that we pull from the tap in cities or suburbs is treated for our protection. It may include chlorine, chlorides, chloromines, and other cleaning ingredients. Additionally, much of the water we use in our everyday lives has trace heavy metals and possibly other toxic agents. Lastly, this innovative product helps those who are growing in aquaculture scenarios with live fish. A proprietary ingredient in this product helps fish develop their slime coat in new water faster. This ensures the fish have a much safer transition into its new environment. GreenGro water conditioner solves all of these common problems by eliminating or neutralizing them on contact. Here are the benefits of this great product. Benefits: Removes Chlorine (up to 5mg/l) Destroys Chloramines Detoxifies Heavy Metals Provides Essential Electrolytes Two part slime coat for fish 8 ounces will treat 1,000 gallons of water