Down To Earth - Alfalfa Meal (2.5-0.5-2.5) - 5 lbAn excellent soil conditioner, Alfalfa Meal is a rich source of trace elements and natural growth stimulants. Recommended for all flowering shrubs and especially roses, Alfalfa Meal accelerates growth and promotes larger, more plentiful blooms. It is...Only $7.46 |
Down To Earth - All Purpose (4-6-2) - 6 lbA gentle, non-burning fertilizer perfect for vegetables, herbs, flowers and container plants, our All Purpose mix is also ideal for all types of transplants. Formulated with top quality organic ingredients and designed to deliver a steady supply of essential...Only $9.10 |
Down To Earth - Azomite Trace Minerals Slow Release Powder - 6 lbDown To Earth AZOMITE is the A to Z of minerals with over 70 minerals and trace elements. An estimated 30 million years ago, a volcanic eruption filled a nearby seabed. The unique combination of seawater, fed by rivers rich in minerals and rare earth...Only $7.42 |
Down To Earth - Organic Bio-Fish (7-7-2) - 5 lbsA nutrient rich fertilizer ideal for heavy feeders like corn, cole crops and tomatoes, Bio-Fish is loaded with the finest marine based ingredients to improve your soil while nourishing your outdoor plants. An excellent source of Nitrogen and Phosphorus,...Only $9.22 |
Down To Earth - Organic Crab Meal (4-3-0) - 5 lbsCrab Meal is a superb source of organic nutrients for vegetable gardens and flower beds and is wonderful for building soil tilth. Crab Meal enhances beneficial soil microorganism populations due to its rich chitin content and also makes an incredible...Only $8.92 |
Down To Earth - Organic Langbeinite (Sul-Po-Mag) (0-0-22) - 5 lbsA unique 3-in-1 combination of Potassium, Magnesium and Sulfur, Langbeinite is a naturally occurring source of these three vital plant nutrients. Potassium is essential for high quality fruit, Magnesium is required for the synthesis of chlorophyll and...Only $9.55 |
Down To Earth - Shrimp Meal (6-6-0) - 2 lbsAn excellent all purpose organic fertilizer derived from ground Pacific Northwest shrimp shells. Rich in Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Calcium, Down To Earth Organic Shrimp Meal is wonderful for all types of garden vegetables, flowers, herbs and ornamentals,...Only $6.99 |
Down To Earth - Vegan Mix (3-2-2) - 6 lbsThe indispensable all purpose fertilizer blended specially for vegan gardeners. Free of any animal products or by-products, Down To Earth Vegan Mix is formulated with plant derived essential nutrients and natural mineral elements plus humic acids. Its...Only $9.29 |
Humboldt Sticky -- 8 ozFoliar sprays are an easy way to ensure the quality of your fruits and flowers in all your favorite plants. A proper foliar spray should include a wetting and binding agent to equally distribute and adhere the spray onto the plant's leaves. Humboldt Sticky...Only $8.88 |