An excellent all purpose organic fertilizer derived from ground Pacific Northwest shrimp shells. Rich in Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Calcium, Down To Earth Organic Shrimp Meal is wonderful for all types of garden vegetables, flowers, herbs and ornamentals, and also acts as an exceptional compost bio-activator. Shrimp Meal is rich in Chitin, a natural polysaccharide that can help plants develop healthy immune responses and stimulates the growth of beneficial soil micro-organisms. Application Rates Vegtable Gardens & Flower Beds: aplly 2-4 lbs per 100 per square feet and throughly mix into soil. For transplants add 1-2 table sppons per hols and waer in well. Apply 1-2 lbs as a top dress 1-2 times over the growing season to promote plan growth. Containers & Houseplants: For new planting, mix 1/2 cup per subic foot of soul before plaint. For established plants, mix 1 tablespoon per gallon of soil. Tree & Shrubs: When transplanting, add 1-2 lbs per 1 in of truck caliper to the new dug hole, backfill soil and water in well. Row Crops/Acreage: Apply 500-1,000 lbs per acres depending on specific crop needs or required pounds of actual nutrients per acre.