Roots Organics HP2 Liquid Bat Guano 0-4-0 -- 5 GallonThis unique organic liquid bat guano is a specially extracted source of natural phosphorous specifically designed to enhance flower quality. Our product is minimally processed to preserve all of the benefits and amazing synergistic qualities found in...Only $134.03 |
Roots Organics HPK Bat Guano and K-Mag 0-5-4 -- 5 GallonThis organic PK liquid bloom booster is extracted from our unique natural sources of phosphorous and potassium. Bat guano, renowned as an organic source of phosphorous, is combined with Langbeinite, a natural source of potassium mined from ancient sea...Only $141.47 |
Roots Organics Ancient Amber -- 5 GallonUsing a unique organic extraction method, our product has been targeted for low molecular weight which increases bio-availability and effectiveness to unparalleled levels. Humic acids are extremely effective chelating agents, facilitating the uptake of...Only $108.78 |
Roots Organics Oregonism XL -- 3 lbsA distinctive super-soluble formulation of endo/ecto-mycorrhizae, beneficial bacteria, and Trichoderma. Mycorrhizae colonize the root zone, forming a symbiosis with the plant’s roots, massively increasing the size and effective surface area, facilitating...Only $104.43 |
Roots Organics Buddha Grow 2-0.5-1.5 -- 5 GalloonBuddha Grow is a proprietary blend of the finest organic ingredients specifically created to promote vigor, increase yields and enhance quality in soil grown plants during their vegetative stage. Worldwide sourcing and deliberate design formulated into...Only $128.80 |
Roots Organics Buddha Bloom 0.5 - 2 - 1.5 -- 5 GallonBuddha Bloom is a proprietary blend of the finest organic ingredients specifically created to promote vigor, increase yields and enhance quality in soil grown plants during their flowering stage. Worldwide sourcing and deliberate design formulated into...Only $128.80 |
Soul Synthetics Grow 3 - 1.25 - 1.25 -- 5 GallonSoul Synthetics Grow is a blend of highly soluble synthetic fertility components enhanced with organic extracts for both maximum yields and spectacular flavor. It was designed specifically for increased yields and enhanced quality in versatile and demanding...Only $142.67 |
Aurora Innovations Soul Synthetics Bloom 1.5 - 4.5 - 3 -- 5 GallonSoul Synthetics Bloom is a blend of highly soluble synthetic fertility components enhanced with organic extracts for both maximum yields and spectacular flavor. It was designed specifically for increased yields and enhanced quality in versatile and demanding...Only $142.67 |
Roots Soul Synthetics Amino Aide 5 - 0 - 0 -- GallonSoul Synthetics Amino Aide plant supercharger is a complex amino acid blend specifically formulated to increase plant vigor and yields. Chemists at Aurora Innovations created this blend of Amino Acids after extensive, hands-on research into compounds...Only $110.02 |