Smart Pots -- 10 Gallon w/ Handle 16 x 12.5These soft growing containers allow more air to reach the growing medium and roots, improving drainage and keeping the root system from overheating on hot days. Plant roots also benefit from their natural tendency to grow into soft surfaces like the Smart...Only $8.53 |
Smart Pots --15 GallonThese soft growing containers allow more air to reach the growing medium and roots, improving drainage and keeping the root system from overheating on hot days. Plant roots also benefit from their natural tendency to grow into soft surfaces like the Smart...Only $7.43 |
Smart Pot TransplanterThe Smart Transplanter is a re-usable Smart Pot that has been specially designed to make transplanting easy. The Smart Transplanter has an opening on the sidewall that allows the gardener to peel off the Transplanter with ease. Because the fabric overlaps...Only $2.51 |
Smart Pots -- 3 GallonThese soft growing containers allow more air to reach the growing medium and roots, improving drainage and keeping the root system from overheating on hot days. Plant roots also benefit from their natural tendency to grow into soft surfaces like the Smart...Only $3.70 |
Smart Pots -- 3 Gallon w/ Handle 10 x 8.5These soft growing containers allow more air to reach the growing medium and roots, improving drainage and keeping the root system from overheating on hot days. Plant roots also benefit from their natural tendency to grow into soft surfaces like the Smart...Only $5.10 |
Smart Pots -- 5 GallonThese soft growing containers allow more air to reach the growing medium and roots, improving drainage and keeping the root system from overheating on hot days. Plant roots also benefit from their natural tendency to grow into soft surfaces like the Smart...Only $4.44 |
Smart Pots -- 5 Gallon w/ Handle 12 x 10.5These soft growing containers allow more air to reach the growing medium and roots, improving drainage and keeping the root system from overheating on hot days. Plant roots also benefit from their natural tendency to grow into soft surfaces like the Smart...Only $5.96 |
Smart Pots -- 7 GallonThese soft growing containers allow more air to reach the growing medium and roots, improving drainage and keeping the root system from overheating on hot days. Plant roots also benefit from their natural tendency to grow into soft surfaces like the Smart...Only $5.19 |
Smart Pots -- 7 Gallon w/ Handle 14 x 10.5These soft growing containers allow more air to reach the growing medium and roots, improving drainage and keeping the root system from overheating on hot days. Plant roots also benefit from their natural tendency to grow into soft surfaces like the Smart...Only $6.81 |