With the development of "Peak Targeting", Full Spectrum Technology, our 5-Band System targets ALL peak efficiency values. We have also developed "Intelligent" Balancing that allows our 5-Band system to be scientifically balanced to provide the proper photosynthetic proportions to power these specific peak bands. For Example, Chlorophyll A, which is responsible for most of a plant's photosynthesis, if given too few of the allocation, will not achieve peak photosynthesis. If you provide too much, Chlorophyll A begins to shut down from overload, while other photosynthetic elements starve due to the under-allocated crucial LED Bands. With the development of a 5-Band Tri-Spectrum design, we can deliver over 95% absorbable light to your plants using the key spectra of Red, Blue, and Infrared. The key wavelengths and design applications is what makes this configuration work so well and this is what other LED Grow Lights on the market will find very difficult to duplicate. Top 5 Reasons to use the Illuminator UFO: For indoor growers, the amount of energy consumption is of great concern for most. At 90W of power, this is like having an extra house light on and would account for a small amount of total electric bill. The HEAT signature problem is no longer an issue with this LED Grow Light.. Say goodbye to any of those worries.... The Yield.....This is pretty much what it's all about right? Well the output of our 90W Illuminator UFO is equivalent to a 400W HID. Now we're not saying that the 90W Illuminator UFO emits more Lumens output than a 400W or 600W HID, but to state that the Illuminator UFO emits the same amount of absorbable light as a 400W HID and it is this ability to only emit key absorbable light that your plants are able to use that makes it possible to achieve the parity results with an HID at just a fraction of the wattage. Lumens output is not a key factor in determining plant growth, it is the ability of the plants to absorb and