Lush Lighting Vegetator 2x is an innovative high intensity LED grow light designed specifically for vegetating green leaf plants. At canopy level, each 330w fixture produces more overall light and more energetic light than a standard 1000w metal halide fixture. This intensity of energized photons has never been created by a grow light before now and Lush Lighting has found the combination of these photons to push chlorophyll production higher than every other light on the market! This cool running light will provide essential photons for chlorophyll, carotenoids, xanthophylls and phycobilins. The increase in strength and vigor of plants under the Lush Lighting Vegetator 2x occurs immediately! You can trust Lush Lighting to always have healthier crops over HPS. From cloning through growing and all the way to the end of flowering, this light has what your plants need! Near UV light is used to stimulate resin production while helping boost plants' natural immune system. Infrared light is used to penetrate deep into the plant and boost chlorophyll fluorescence so that no light is wasted. Plants have had millions of years to adapt to their environment, so providing your garden with the most electrically charged photons will reward you with a bigger, healthier and more nutritious crop! Lush Lighting products have a low heat signature, high efficiency rating and are built to last a decade! We want to see you succeed! We build the best agricultural grow lights on the market for your peace of mind! LED is safer and the results will literally pay for themselves. Increase the level of photosynthetic activity on your plants today! Why LUSH Lighting Is The Best Choice- Benefits: Properly fuel photosynthesis with energy ranging from UV through IR. Watch plants root faster and gain strength as if they are basking under sunlight! Providing the right type of light will increase plants rate of cellular division so they grow faster! Transfer plants outdoors without shock by