Root Drench DOSAGE: Shake before use. Mix 10ml of Insect Annihilator per gallon of chlorine free water. Apply to test area and dilute more if necessary. APPLICATION METHOD: Drench roots completely, can be added to reservoir. Water one hour before lights come up/on for maximum effectiveness and to prevent leaf dehydration. Shake/Mix well. No Restricted Entry Interval (REI) = 0 FREQUENCY: For heavy infestations repeat applications may be required with 2-3 day intervals. Safe to use until day of harvest. Foliar Spray DOSAGE: -Shake before use. Mix 1 fl. oz. of Insect Annihilator with 8 fl. oz. of chlorine free water. Apply to test area and dilute more if necessary. APPLICATION METHOD: -For best results apply before or after daylight hours. Remove dead/dying plant material. Spray all plant foliage and any visible insects. Do not apply under intense light or heat. Shake/mix well. FREQUENCY: -For heavy infestations repeat applications may be required with 2-3 day intervals. Safe to use until day of harvest.