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Advanced Nutrients - Jungle Juice Bloom – 10 L

JUNGLE JUICEâ„¢ BLOOM: gives your plants the Phosphorous, Potassium, Magnesium, and Sulfur they need to bloom big and juicy buds and give you the maximum yield! What's the difference between General Hydroponics' Flora Grow-Micro-Bloom and Advanced Nutrients' Jungle Juice Grow-Micro-Bloom? There's no difference. They use the exact same ingredients in the exact same proportions. The advantage of using Jungle Juice Grow-Micro-Bloom that is you save 40% of your money and, even though both products use the same ingredients, Jungle Juice Grow-Micro-Bloom is put through a more rigorous quality control process as it's made. We have a whole host of quality control standards that set us apart from the competition.

Click here to buy now - $51.69

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