Actinovate for Lawn & Garden contains a high concentration of a patented beneficial microorganism. When applied, the Actinovate microbe grows on the plant’s roots and leaves, living off the plant’s by-products while at the same time attacking harmful disease causing pathogens. This natural product effectively suppresses & controls a wide range of foliar and root diseases. This product is OMRI-listed for use in organic gardening. One 2 ounce bag treats 5,000 square feet of lawn or 550 plants. Actinovate controls the following lawn diseases: Brown Patch (Rhizoctonia), Dollarspot (Sclerotinia), Take-all Patch (Gaeumannomyces graminis) & Pythium Blights; the following root diseases in ornamentals and vegetables: Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, Verticillium & Fusarium Late Blight; the following foliar diseases: Powdery Mildew, Downy Mildew, Grey Mold (Botrytis), Fire Blight (Erwinia), Leaf Spots and Rusts & Black Spot (Diplocarpon rosae). EPA Reg. No. 73314-1.